Rental Contract

The rental contract commits the Tenant to the general and special rental conditions and to taking into account and respecting the internal rules of the studio.

Article 1 – Our unique formula « Self Catering »

Self catering means that the Tenant is autonomous in the studio without any services imposed by the Owner (breakfast, lunch, dinner).

We provide a fully equipped studio (see inventory list).

Article 2 – Rental period

The studio is rented for a period determined at the time of booking according to the conditions set out in the rental agreement. The Tenant may not under any circumstances claim any right to remain in the premises.

Article 3 – Arrival / Departure

The Tenant must arrive on the day and at the time specified in this contract.

In the event of late or delayed arrival, the Tenant must notify the Owner of the studio. It is requested to respect the departure time stipulated in the contract. Please note that the time spent tidying up must be done before the departure time.

Article 4 – Handing-over of keys

The keys to the studio will be given exclusively to the person who signed the contract, here called the Tenant.

On this occasion, the Tenant will be informed of the safety rules, the functioning of the various appliances (microwave, ceramic hob, etc…) and an inventory of fixtures and fittings will be carried out.

The Tenant is obliged to apply and enforce these rules to the members of his family and/or group.

Article 5 – Inventory of premises – Inventory of furniture and equipment

The inventory of fixtures and the inventory of furniture and various equipment will be made at the beginning and end of the stay by the Owner and the Tenant.

Article 6 – Use of the premises

The Tenant shall respect the peaceful nature of the premises and use them in accordance with their intended purpose. Although the studio is isolated from any dwelling, the sound volume inside and outside must be contained in order to respect the tranquillity of the neighbourhood. The Tenant will be responsible for the control himself in order to avoid incidents caused by members of his family and/or group.

In case of conflict and/or complaint, the Owner reserves the right to exclude from the studio the persons who created the disturbances.

Article 7 – Bedding

The studio is rented with bedding (bed bases and mattresses), duvets, pillows, all in accordance with the inventory provided.

Each mattress is equipped with a mattress protector which must in all cases be kept in place at the time of departure (except in the event of an accident, when it must be washed).

Each pillow is equipped with a cover which must be kept in place at the time of departure (except in the event of an accident or in case of washing). 

If it is found that the duvet is used without its cover, the cleaning of each duvet will be charged 20 € extra.

Article 8 – Equipment to be provided

The studio is rented with kitchen equipment, crockery and cutlery, all according to an inventory provided.

We provide :

– a sponge

– two 5 l garbage bags

– two 30 l garbage bags

– dishwashing liquid

– a bottle of organic oil

– salt and pepper

– a roll of toilet paper

– a roll of paper towels

– a multi-surface cleaning product

If used a lot, this stock must be renewed before departure.

Article 9 – Safety standards

The studio is subject to the standards and regulations that apply to establishments open to the public. The Tenant is obliged to respect the capacity of the studio.

The distribution of beds must not be modified.

Emergency exits will be kept clear.

No cooking appliances may be added in the kitchen.

No additional heating appliances may be added.

Article 10 – Sleeping areas

No sleeping is allowed outside the beds and the sofa bed.

It is strictly forbidden to install any additional beds in the studio.

Camping is not allowed on the estate.

If the Owner finds during the rental period that the Tenant has breached these rules, the Owner reserves the right to interrupt the stay of the persons concerned by asking them to leave the premises, without any penalty.

In the event of a claim, the criminal and civil consequences will be the sole responsibility of the Tenant.

Article 11 – Fire safety

The studio is equipped with a fire detection system which triggers an alarm in the presence of smoke or abnormally high temperatures. This system must not be disabled by any means whatsoever.

The Tenant shall inform the members of his family and/or group and more particularly the parents of the children that the use without valid reasons of the manual triggers placed in the common areas will trigger the audible alarm and consequently the immediate evacuation of the premises.

A fire extinguisher is present in the studio. All equipment hit and used outside the fire procedure will be the subject of a report. The Tenant will be responsible for the cost of putting the fire extinguisher back into service.

Note: Sparkling candles, candles, mini fireworks for cakes and smoke regularly set off the sirens, it is forbidden to use them.

Article 12 – Cigarette

In accordance with the regulations in force, smoking is strictly forbidden inside the studio. Ashtrays are provided under the entrance porch and on the terrace, they must be emptied before departure.

Article 13 – Animals

Animals are not allowed.

Article 14 – Noise pollution

No noise pollution will be tolerated indoors or outdoors. Respect for others is mandatory throughout the estate.

Failure to respect this rule will result in immediate expulsion.

Article 15 – Furniture – Equipment

The furniture, tables and chairs, located inside the studio, must not be taken outside. Any damaged or malfunctioning equipment must be reported and the replacement value of the equipment will be deducted from the deposit. In the event of breakage (crockery in particular), the Owner will withhold from the deposit the replacement value of the said equipment.

Article 16 – Decoration

No fixing in the walls by means of nails, screws, pins, adhesive tape, tacking rubber (patafix style) is permitted.

Article 17 – Use of the kitchen

The kitchen of the studio is considered as a catering kitchen and as such it is requested to respect the following provisions:

– Only healthy and clean products may be brought into the kitchen.

– Only store food in the kitchen.

– Use kitchen equipment and dishes only for food purposes.

– Follow the instructions for use posted on each appliance.

– At the end of your stay, clean the kitchen according to the cleaning procedure displayed in the kitchen.

Article 18 – Sanitary facilities

Apart from toilet paper, nothing else should be thrown down the toilet bowl.

Wipes of any kind, nappies, tampons, sanitary towels, cotton wool sticks, must be deposited in the bins provided, which are provided with rubbish bags, and under no circumstances in the toilet bowl.

The bins must be emptied before departure.

In the event of a blockage of the pumps of the sewage system lifting station, the Tenant shall be liable.

Article 19 – Heating / Electricity

The charges are included in the rental price as a flat rate.

During the rental period these charges include: water, heating, electricity.

The supply of water is also included in the rental price, in order to keep it that way and for obvious ecological reasons, it is requested not to let the water run unnecessarily.

For the heating :

– do not leave doors and windows open too long.

– switch off or turn down the heating when you are away and leave it on for ventilation

– set the heating below 22° C

Article 20 – Breakdown or malfunction

In the event of a breakdown, the Tenant must contact the Owner who is present throughout the rental period of the studio. He will decide how to proceed and will do his best to remedy the situation as quickly as possible.

Under no circumstances can the Tenant request reimbursement for repairs or repairs that he has initiated on his own.

Article 21 – Household

The cleaning is provided by the Owner, but the Tenant must take certain steps before departure.

In the kitchen :

– Do the dishes.

– Empty the refrigerators.

– Wash the inside and outside of the fridge.

– Clean cooking appliances, cooker tops, inside oven and microwave oven.

– Clean the worktops.

– Store equipment in the kitchen.

– Take the bins and bottles used to the containers located 1 minute away from the studio by car.

– Sweep the floor.

In the bedrooms, bathrooms and toilets:

– Put all bed linen, bathroom linen and dish towels inside the dirty linen basket.

Outside :

– Empty the ashtrays.

Article 22 – Parking

Cars can park in the car park, taking care not to obstruct the road.

Article 23 – Internet connection

If you use the internet connection in the studio, the Tenant undertakes to comply with the laws on downloading and consulting sites. In the event of a request from the competent authorities, the Owner of the studio will transmit the contact details of the Tenant who has benefited from the said connection.

Article 24 – Insurance

The studio is insured by its Owner for civil liability and fire.

The Owner declines all responsibility in the event of theft and/or damage to the property of the Tenant and members of his family and/or group, including vehicles parked in the car park.

The Tenant is obliged to take out a Rental Civil Liability insurance policy called “VILLEGIATURE” with its Insurance Company, covering all the premises entrusted to it, for damage such as fire, explosion, water damage which may be caused by itself or its guests during the rental period.

A certificate of insurance drawn up in the name of the Tenant must imperatively be attached to the rental contract, otherwise it will be null and void. If the certificate is not attached to the returned contract signed by the Tenant, the Owner will inform the Tenant of the nullity of the contract by returning the deposit paid and will therefore be able to dispose of the studio.

Article 25 – Accidents Supervision of children

Children are under the responsibility of their parents for the duration of their stay.

The Owner cannot be held responsible for any accidents or damage that may occur in the property, in the swimming pool, in the car park or in the access or exit manoeuvres to or from the estate.

Article 26 – Disputes

The Owner reserves the absolute right to terminate, without notice or compensation, any contract whose object or cause is incompatible with the purpose of the premises. The Owner is exonerated from any responsibility in the partial or total execution of the contract resulting from a fortuitous event caused by a third party or an act of force majeure (bad weather, natural disasters, fire, water damage, other disasters or serious prohibitions, attacks, administrative closure…).

Any duly substantiated claim relating to a stay must be addressed to the Owner.